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Company name | Country | City | Industry |
Germany | Lauterecken | Manufacture of foods and beverages | |
Germany | Waldmohr | Wood industry and its derivatives | |
Germany | Konken | Manufacture of foods and beverages | |
Germany | Kusel | Electricity and Gas | |
Germany | Schönenberg-Kübelberg | Wholesale | |
Germany | Sankt Julian | Other services | |
Germany | Offenbach-Hundheim | Banking | |
Germany | Altenglan | Wholesale | |
Germany | Waldmohr | Wholesale | |
Germany | Lauterecken | Construction | |
Germany | Kusel | Hospital and health | |
Germany | Thallichtenberg | Wholesale | |
Germany | Offenbach-Hundheim | Manufacture of foods and beverages | |
Germany | Lauterecken | Construction | |
Germany | Kusel | Construction | |
Germany | Bedesbach | Construction | |
Germany | Kusel | Construction | |
Germany | Lauterecken | Retail trade | |
Germany | Lauterecken | ||
Germany | Medard | Wood industry and its derivatives | |
Germany | Lauterecken | Wholesale | |
Germany | Konken | Waste management | |
Germany | Waldmohr | Construction | |
Germany | Konken | Construction | |
Germany | Altenglan | Construction | |
Germany | Waldmohr | Construction | |
Germany | Schönenberg-Kübelberg | Electric and electronic industry | |
Germany | Offenbach-Hundheim | Retail trade | |
Germany | Altenglan | Wood industry and its derivatives | |
Germany | Quirnbach/ Pfalz | Other services | |
Germany | Lauterecken | Retail trade | |
Germany | Kusel | Retail trade | |
Germany | Offenbach-Hundheim | Construction | |
Germany | Glanbrücken | Construction | |
Germany | Rothselberg | Wood industry and its derivatives | |
Germany | Altenglan | Wholesale | |
Germany | Rehweiler | Wholesale | |
Germany | Offenbach-Hundheim | Electric and electronic industry | |
Germany | Krottelbach | Manufacture of foods and beverages | |
Germany | Schönenberg-Kübelberg | Construction | |
Germany | Lauterecken | Hospital and health | |
Germany | Wiesweiler | Manufacture of foods and beverages | |
Germany | Thallichtenberg | Other services | |
Germany | Reipoltskirchen | Other services | |
Germany | Kusel | Other services | |
Germany | Lauterecken | Hotels and Accomodation | |
Germany | Kusel | Wholesale | |
Germany | Kusel | Retail trade | |
Germany | Pfeffelbach | Construction | |
Germany | Kusel | Legal and accounting services |