Browse for free our business directory to get valuable information and key data points on companies in target for your growth. Check out our detailed company’s reports to grasp all the information you need to find strategic suppliers or run your sales and marketing campaigns. Browse highlights from our industry section to learn about industrial context and discover market niches.
Try our Margo suite and target businesses based on features such as size, city, competition, earnings and more. Our market analytics tools support your sales force in conducting market research on prospects to validate your lead generation process. Browse companies by country, industry or popularity and find your next customers!
Here is a selection of our most visited company reports.
Country | Company name | Industrial sector | Turnover (mln) | Employees |
Germany | AUDI Aktiengesellschaf | Manufacture of basic metals | 500 + | 1000 + |
Switzerland | Hitachi Vantara AG | Wholesale | 50 - 99 | 50 - 99 |
Austria | T-Mobile Austria GmbH | Telecommunications | 500 + | 1000 + |
Search for companies by browsing our industrial classification and check for the main distributions to identify the target you are looking for
Search for companies by selecting a Geographic Area and check for the main distributions to identify the target you are looking for.
Are you looking for companies in different countries? Contact us
Germany has 5.8 M active companies scattered across 16 states.
The most densely populated state by company is Nordrhein-Westfalen with over 1M companies followed by Bayern and Baden-Württemberg with over 900,000 and 700,000 companies respectively
Switzerland has approximately 700.000 active companies scattered across 24 states.
The most densely populated state by company is Zürich with over 100.000 companies followed by Bern and Vaud with both over 60.000 companies respectively
Austria has over 1 M active companies scattered across 9 states.
The most densely populated state by company is Wien with over 220.000 companies followed by Niederösterreich and Steiermark with over 170.00 and 135.000 companies respectively
Margo is a cutting-edge marketing intelligence platform developed by CRIF aimign to facilitate your business' growth by providing you with valuable, accurate, and high-quality data. Our platform offers a range of features and functionalities specifically designed to assist you in managing and expanding your customer base. We cover the DACH and Italian, markets with our extensive database, making Margo an essential tool to oversee your commercial and marketing processes. See more