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Company name | Country | City | Industry |
Switzerland | Peseux | Banks | |
Switzerland | Savagnier | Motor vehicles and motorcycles | |
Switzerland | Savagnier | Banks | |
Switzerland | St-Aubin-Sauges | Banks | |
Switzerland | Boudry | Banks | |
Switzerland | Corcelles NE | Banks | |
Switzerland | La Chaux-de-Fonds | Banks | |
Switzerland | Neuchâtel | Banks | |
Switzerland | La Chaux-de-Fonds | Banks | |
Switzerland | Neuchâtel | Banks | |
Switzerland | La Sagne NE | Banks | |
Switzerland | Cormondrèche | Education | |
Switzerland | Savagnier | Banks | |
Switzerland | Le Locle | Banks | |
Switzerland | Cernier | Banks | |
Switzerland | Bevaix | Banks | |
Switzerland | Bôle | Industry of machinery and equipment | |
Switzerland | Neuchâtel | Banks | |
Switzerland | Les Brenets | Banks | |
Switzerland | Colombier NE | Banks | |
Switzerland | Boudry | Banks | |
Switzerland | Neuchâtel | Banks | |
Switzerland | Couvet | Banks | |
Switzerland | Cernier | Banks | |
Switzerland | La Chaux-de-Fonds | Banks | |
Switzerland | Le Landeron | Banks | |
Switzerland | Cernier | Banks | |
Switzerland | Travers | Banks | |
Switzerland | Neuchâtel | Bar and Restaurants | |
Switzerland | Peseux | Banks | |
Switzerland | Boudry | Banks | |
Switzerland | Le Locle | Motor vehicles and motorcycles | |
Switzerland | La Chaux-de-Fonds | Banks | |
Switzerland | Cernier | Banks | |
Switzerland | Marin-Epagnier | Real estate services | |
Switzerland | Les Hauts-Geneveys | Banks | |
Switzerland | Neuchâtel | Other services | |
Switzerland | Cortaillod | Banks | |
Switzerland | Saules | Banks | |
Switzerland | Le Locle | Banks | |
Switzerland | Cortaillod | Other services | |
Switzerland | Neuchâtel | Cinema and TV | |
Switzerland | Noiraigue | Banks | |
Switzerland | La Chaux-de-Fonds | Banks | |
Switzerland | La Chaux-de-Fonds | Banks | |
Switzerland | Le Locle | Banks | |
Switzerland | Gorgier | Banks | |
Switzerland | Neuchâtel | Banks | |
Switzerland | Bevaix | Banks | |
Switzerland | Bevaix | Banks |